Personal Injury
March 8th, 2023
Why you should get a lawyer for a minor car accident
While you’re not legally obligated to hire a car accident attorney after a minor collision, seeking representation can be beneficial for many reasons. For one, a lawyer knows how to navigate the complexities of injury claims. They can also maximize the value of your losses to help you pursue an adequate settlement. You should never… Read More

Personal Injury
March 1st, 2023
How to scare an insurance adjuster
Pursuing compensation from an insurance carrier after getting hurt in an accident is stressful. Negotiating a settlement with someone not on your side can be overwhelming. The adjuster wants to reduce the value of your claim and will use various tricks and tactics to accomplish their goal. You can turn the tables on the insurance… Read More

Personal Injury
January 15th, 2023
How Much Tax Is Paid on Personal Injury Settlements and Awards?
If another party’s negligence caused your personal injury, you might qualify for a settlement to cover your losses. However, when you receive a personal injury settlement or award, it’s important to know the potential tax implications. While most types of personal injury compensation are tax-exempt, some parts of a settlement may be taxable. This blog… Read More

Personal Injury
January 1st, 2023
What Happens After Mediation Settlement?
Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). ADR, specifically mediation, can be used in civil litigation to help the parties reach a settlement agreement and avoid going to court. Once a settlement is reached in mediation, several steps must be taken to ensure the settlement agreement is legally binding. This blog post will… Read More

Personal Injury
December 15th, 2022
When Is Mediation Not a Good Idea?
Mediation has many benefits, which is why it has become a popular form of dispute resolution for lawsuits. However, sometimes mediation may not be a good idea. What Is Mediation? Mediation is a process that may be voluntarily entered by the parties or required through a court order. Mediation aims to reach a mutually agreed-upon… Read More

Personal Injury
December 1st, 2022
Is Mediation Legally Binding?
Mediation is a popular form of dispute resolution because of its success rate and relatively low cost. Mediation can be court-ordered or entered into voluntarily by the parties. It becomes legally binding when both parties sign a mediation agreement. There are a few exceptions. What Is Mediation? Mediation is a meeting where the parties… Read More

Auto Accident, Goings Law Firm LLC, Personal Injury, Truck Accident
November 18th, 2022
Hit by a Cement or Concrete Truck in South Carolina?
Have you or a loved one been hit by a concrete or cement truck in South Carolina? Being hit by a large commercial truck, such as a concrete or cement truck, can result in serious injuries or death. The size and shape of concrete trucks can result in greater property damage and more significant bodily… Read More

Personal Injury
November 15th, 2022
How Mediation Works
Before your case goes to court, you will usually have an opportunity to come to an agreement with the opposing party through a process called mediation. Understanding how mediation works can help you know what to expect from the process so that you can prepare accordingly. What Is Mediation in a Lawsuit? Mediation is a… Read More

Personal Injury
November 1st, 2022
How You Know if Your Deposition Went Well
Before your personal injury case gets to a courtroom trial, you will likely need to attend a deposition. You may feel nervous about this process, but having an experienced attorney on your side can help you feel prepared. Since they will attend the deposition with you, they can also give you feedback about how to… Read More

Personal Injury
October 15th, 2022
What Happens At A Deposition?
Although it might seem overwhelming, knowing what happens at a deposition and how to answer each question is crucial for knowing how to prepare. You can familiarize yourself with the process, so you feel comfortable and don’t say something that damages the outcome of your case. Personal injury lawsuits often involve a deposition. This stage… Read More